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MAP testing is upon us!

August 27th, 2024 is when MAP testing started at Tok School. MAP testing doesn't usually start on the second week of school, the testing window started earlier than normal. How peculiar! 

Most Tok students are ready for testing, others not so much. Rebekah Ames said, “I don't personally like it because it stresses me out, but I can see why they are doing it this early, so that they can know what to teach us.” 

Rebekah next expressed how she thinks it's going: “BAD because I didn't feel like putting in my usual effort and got a bad score on math.” She also added how she thinks her scores will look like “I think it will stay the same because it's usually my easiest test but I didn’t spend any time studying it over the summer.”

Jadyn Kramer said, ”I think it's good to have it start in the beginning so it can get over quicker.” She also added, ”It was fine. I knew my reading was gonna go down, then math would go up, and language arts I was hoping would go up.” 

Shania Issac said, ”I feel like the second week wasn't so good because people's brains are still in summer mode.” Then she added, “It was doing well, but I had to retake one test and I think my score will stay the same or a point will go down.” 

Overall MAP testing wasn’t so bad. Now that it is over, we won’t have to do testing again until winter time. How do you think it went?  

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