This is the first year wrestling has had a team here in Tok since 2005. According to an article on Rookie Road, "wrestling is an ancient, individual combat sport that pits two wrestlers against one another in a match. The objective function of wrestling is to win a match by "pinning" your opponents back flatly on the ground. [...] Wrestlers compete against each other by weight class to determine who is superior." Though wrestling is definitely one of the more difficult and demanding sports, and totally new to Tok School, students are embracing the opportunity to broaden their horizons.
Rex Hamner, Tok School's shop teacher and new wrestling coach, responded to my questions regarding this wrestling season. Hamner has past experience in wrestling, in both coaching and officiating. He was a varsity wrestling official for 25 years, but notes, "because of my experience in rodeo, my knees are bad and it was getting harder and harder to move around on the mat and be in the proper position, so I went back to coaching for four years (before I moved to Tok)". When asked why he became a coach, he responded, "I am not a basketball fan and that is the only sport for boys in Tok (besides Hockey and I can't ice skate). With my past experience, I approached Mr. MacManus and he was favorable with the idea to offer something else for boys. Additionally, wrestling is in the fall and I can get the hockey players and basketball players in better condition before their sport even begins. Besides, I LOVE wrestling! Wrestling offers so much for an athlete. Besides the conditioning, wrestling builds character and, even though it is a rough and brutal sport, it will teach you how to win with humility and lose with dignity."
Hamner says that this upcoming season is going to go "fast and furious!" The team has roughly 7 members and 1 student manager. The team plans on traveling to Wasilla from the 15th-16th and has a busy schedule after that. Here are the dates of the upcoming events: Glennallen to Valdez (Oct 21 - 23)
Glennallen Tournament (Nov 5 & 6)
Wasilla (Nov 12 & 13)
Palmer (Nov 19 & 20)
Barrow (Dec 3 & 4)
Regionals (Dec 10 & 11)
State (Dec 17 & 18)
Everyone here at Tok School is excited to see the team compete this year, we would appreciate it if you could show your support this year in any way that you can.
Go Wolverines!